Hello all,

This is a more logistics post.  JoAnn wanted everyone to know what spices we do and don’t have at the cabin.  Here’s the notes.

What we do have:

  1. Salt (LOTS)
  2. Pepper
  3. Basil
  4. Cinnamon
  5. Chili Powder
  6. Cumin
  7. Ginger
  8. Garlic Powder
  9. Garlic Salt
  10. Ground Red Pepper
  11. Italian Seasoning
  12. Onion Powder
  13. Parsley
  14. Rosemary
  15. Thyme
  16. Mrs. Dash (original)
  17. Montreal Steak Seasoning

Some notable spices that would be nice to have

  1. Allspice
  2. Bay Leaves
  3. Black Peppercorns
  4. Cloves
  5. Coriander
  6. Paprika
  7. Nutmeg
  8. Onion Powder
  9. Sage
  10. Vanilla Extract

Thanks for helping out, and have a great day!


Spices and cabin food

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