JoAnn and I ran down to the cabin on Sunday as Tom was going down by himself and needed help unloading the siding. We purchased rough cut siding for the cabin at Casey Lumber in Woodland Park about a month
November 9,2014 Cabin Kitchen Update
This is pretty much my last update for the year. Jon and his friend Justin will go up one more time but some really cold weather arrives and knocks out the cabin pretty much for awhile. These pictures are
November 2, 2014 Cabin Kitchen Update
Jon and another electrician showed up and made substantial progress on the electric, most everything except light fixtures done. We drained all the lines, plumbing is now down for the rest of the winter. All the food is now gone
October 25,2014 Cabin Kitchen Update
JoAnn, Janet, and myself at the cabin. We were all pretty amazed at how good things looked. I’ll share some photos and let you take a look but photos don’t do it justice. We started working on Friday
October 15 Cabin Kitchen Update
Pictures taken on October 15 (has already snowed twice at the cabin) All the roofing (red metal was carried around to this area and hoisted up the back side. Jon stood on the middle platform, Bob and I lifted from
October 5 kitchen project update
Here are pictures and information on the progress of the cabin. inside wall with bathroom stuff “shining” through. Some really nasty things were removed in cleaning up this wall enabling a lot of clean up of electrical/plumbing/etc. and some probable great
2015 Planned Projects
These are currently planned projects. If you want to look at and maybe help decide and implement We had a good start for 2014 but didn’t get quite done. Here is a listing of projects that will involve Tom Berry and
Unplanned Projects (2015 and beyond)
Adults and grand children may want to discuss all of these at appropriate meetings and develop a game plan for getting them done! As you can see from the featured image, Henry is still with us and wants us to